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Arri- September 30, 2004

September 30, 2004
Dear Keish,

Why do plants need light to grow? You can take a plant and a mouse and put them in a jar in the light. The mouse breathes out one kind of air that the plant breathes it in, and the plant breaths out the kind of air that the mouse breathes in, so they keep each other alive. But if you put the jar in the dark, the mouse dies, because the plant quits breathing out. If you leave the jar in the dark long enough, the plant dies too, even if you take the lid off so it has enough air. Why is that?
I love biology. It’s full of odd things that no one can explain. Plants and animals are made out of things called cells, and those cells are kind of like animals themselves. They need food and water. They come in different kinds. You have to use a microscope to see them. Even then they’re so small you can’t see much. Most of our equipment was imported from Iconei. I can see why Duke Tulson and Clara were so keen to visit there. Aegolius comes from a nation of inventors.
In literature we are reading ancient ballads of battles. Dr. Freyvogel has assured me that we will read some love ballads too. I’m honestly not sure what part of the curriculum he changed. The language is very hard to understand, rather like the story of the two Damars that accidentally stole the dragon egg. You find yourself wondering how much of the story is true and how much is fiction. We had a lecture on that. With regard to these old battles, no one is sure.
I asked a question in algebra today. Most of the time I stay quiet in my classes. If I venture to ask a question all heads turn to me and stare. Dr. Ecrue generally does not notice when my hand is up, so usually I have Gordo ask my question for me. I can’t really say for sure that he is ignoring me. He frequently fails to notice raised hands anywhere in the classroom. Gordo is brave enough to wave both hands vigorously, for several minutes if necessary. I think he is used to teachers paying special attention to him.
So I asked a question in algebra and Dr. Kondamuri explained, but I didn’t understand his explanation and asked another question. I didn’t mean to, but it seemed that he was insulted. He gave some more explanation and finally I understood, but after class he drew me aside.
“Miss Etautca, we really must find you a tutor,” he said, “I know you require extra help with this subject, but I am limited in how much I can give during class. We may not cover all the material if you ask too many questions.”
“Sorry,” I said, embarrassed. But at the same time, something seemed unfair. I’ve only asked a couple other questions this term and I don’t feel any need for a tutor. Other students have asked many more. Does he recommend tutors to them too?
“Miss Etautca asked the very same questions I was going to ask.” I turned, startled, to see a young man standing behind me.
“Well,” said Dr. Kondamuri, frowning, “I’m glad you got your answers.”
“Your explanation was most helpful, thank you,” the young man said.
Dr. Kondamuri smiled.
The young man turned and walked back out of the classroom. I thanked Dr. Kondamuri awkwardly and then left. I found the young man waiting for me.
“I apologize for interrupting you earlier, but Kondamuri can be insufferably arrogant. Your questions are always intelligent and worth asking. Allow me to introduce myself,” he said formally, “I am Master Donald Allbox.”
An Allbox. I’d met a few of them at parties although I couldn’t remember anyone specific.
“Pleased to meet you,” I said.
“May I escort you to your next class?” he asked. He was tall and muscular with dark straight hair in a very fashionable cut. Actually, his whole outfit reminded me of something Mendel might wear.
My classes were done for the day, so he escorted me to the stables where he complimented Sprigs and wished me a good weekend. I was glad to have met him.
Carpentry began as a disaster. I really am not strong enough. I nearly dropped a saw on my leg. The professor has given me permission to use any magic that doesn’t interfere with my design. Brynn was able to teach me a spell for making things lighter. However, the table I am making is getting increasingly shorter as I try to make the legs match in length. I suppose it will make a good coffee table. Hopefully.
Master Ujifil continues to insist on the awareness exercises. However, he has added a book about beneficial herbs for me to study. He will test me when I am ready to take the test. Unlike my college professors, Master Ujifil detests deadlines.

That is sad about Caden Viteri’s sister. It seems like he needs something to occupy his time so that he doesn’t dwell on sad things. Maybe self-defense lessons with Jace would be good.
Mendel is very excited about the puppy. He is already thinking about names, even though he doesn’t know if it’s a boy or a girl. So far he is debating between Spot and Lexus.
I’m sure Zest will like having a new puppy around. She will have someone to play with. Since it’s a mixed breed, you will have to send me a sketch so I can get the idea of it.

October 5th
Master Gordan Calibri proposed to Taty today. I suppose Jace will get a very long letter. She’s in a state of shock. Of course she can’t accept. First of all, she isn’t in love with him, and didn’t even realize he was courting her. Second, sixteen is too young for marriage, even if it does happen once in a while. She doesn’t want to hurt his feelings, but she doesn’t want to marry him. She’s been in counsel with Lady Pren on how to handle the situation all evening. Sir Pren is pacing the floor and calling Master Calibri all sorts of names under his breath. Kestrel has decided this is all some new game and is hiding behind doors and pouncing on Sir Pren whenever he walks by. She’s managed to startle him out of deep thought at least twice. Cook is making Taty’s favorite dessert for comfort. Unfortunately, everyone knows. He came to her window and sang his proposal very loudly. It was a beautiful song and Master Calibri has a fine voice. He and Taty have sung several duets together at parties. I feel bad for him in some ways, but I don’t understand why he thought it was a good idea to propose.

October 7th
Master Cory Gray sent an invitation to the symphony and Taty declined. She says that she doesn’t want to go anywhere with any young men. She’s too young. I told her that not all young men are looking for marriage. She says until she figures out how to avoid the ones that are she isn’t going out anymore. I don’t know what to do.

October 8th
Miss Minn came to call today. She proposed that we all go to the symphony, no gentlemen allowed. Taty liked that idea. It hadn’t occurred to her (or me either) that it was possible to attend artistic events without being invited by a gentlemen. I’m just as happy as she is to learn this isn’t so. We invited Lady Hiro, Lady Pren, and Gretel to go with us. It should be a lot of fun.

October 12th
The symphony was beautiful. Taty is in high spirits. Miss Minn knows several of the musicians and she arranged for us to meet them, including Lady Talbot, a very accomplished harpist. Lady Talbot invited us all to a party and said that Taty may perform if she wishes. She has heard about Taty’s singing talent from Miss Minn and would like to hear for herself. Taty was in raptures the rest of the evening. Today she accepted an invitation from Masters Cory and Beagan for the two of us to attend a party at Mrs. Rania Brio’s townhouse. Usually Taty and I each get a separate invitation, but this time the one invitation was addressed to us both. I think Taty is feeling much better. We haven’t heard or seen Master Calibri since she refused him.
My midterm exams are tomorrow, so I have to end this letter. I want to go over my biology notes again. There’s so much to remember. I’m still not sure what Dr. Freyvogel’s test will look like. How do you test literature? I think the algebra will be okay. We didn’t have any classes this morning so I devoted a couple of hours just to practicing. At least there’s nothing I can study for carpentry. My grade in that class will be based on the quality of my coffee table. I finally got the legs even, but it doesn’t really look like the ones in the furniture store. Mendel says it has good character, but I’m not sure what that means. Liop asked if I really meant for it to be that shape.
Taty is telling me to go to bed. I hope your midterms are going well. It must be very different to be the one creating the tests.


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