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Mendel- June 26, 2004

June 26, 2004
Dear Lady Pren,
          or Lady Lakeisha,
          or Keish,
          or whatever title you prefer,

If Arri took the time to write me a note, she also must have taken the time to write you a lengthier letter. Arri is only brief when she’s talking to me, which Sean says I must be grateful for.
I’m writing to you because I think you’re probably the person most likely to DO something right now. Fairy can’t for obvious reasons. What Lord Brio will do, I have no idea. I want to do something too, and I even have an idea, at least part of an idea. Fairy--Nysa--knows a spell for traveling between fairy rings. She never taught it to me, because as an official fairy, she wasn’t allowed, but now maybe as an…ex-fairy?…she won’t be bound so much by their rules. That’s what I’m counting on.
Why is it that all of Arri’s quests involve flying? I’m really going to have ask Father for permission to keep pegasi in the stables. If I can ever find some, I’m sure they will be rare and valuable enough to suit Father’s sense of fashion. Or maybe I should keep a griffon trap ready at all times… but Arri is much better at trap building.
First I learn the traveling spell--the only hard part will be that Fairy can’t actually demonstrate it. However, it is the best way I can think of to get to the horses. One idea is that if I can use my tracking skills in combination with the traveling spell, I might be able to learn it faster. Arri probably already told you that my magic is strongest when it applies to finding lost things (or people like Arri who seem to get lost frequently). I spent most of this morning casting finding spells to locate the horses and I believe they are in a fairy ring somewhere in the south. I cast a finding spell for Arri, but it just crackled, so she must already be somewhere in the land of the fairies. Sean thinks I will arrive too late to do anything, but I hope not. Stealing Liop back from the fairies sounds like a marvelous adventure. Not that I’m glad he was stolen--but knowing the Brio clan sure makes my life more interesting.
In her note, Arri only mentions taking Moonstone to the Lioness. Glory is missing too. I’m sure the Lioness took her as well, because Moonstone isn’t fully weaned yet. Fortunately, the foal is eating some grass, so it will not be too dangerous for me to take Glory for a short period of time. If the Lioness prefers, she can take one our nurse mares from the stables to replace her. Glory will be the best horse for this trip because she has already been involved in a magical quest, and so she will already have an element of magic inside her. (You will notice that a person can learn a lot while fishing. This is why fish are a universal symbol of wisdom. Personally, I recommend golden trout; they know a great deal about questing. Unfortunately, they are rather rare.)
I suppose I will have to admit right now that I gave Arri the golden bridle. It comes from the land of the fairies, and Fairy gave it to me as a present several years ago. I gave it to Arri because I knew she wanted one so badly and I didn’t know that it wouldn’t fit a griffon. It seemed unlikely that I would ever need it, because Fairy could take me into the land of the fairies herself. Arri left the bridle in my possession along with all of her horse equipment when she left Glory in my care. A horse wearing the bridle can enter the land of the fairies. My plan is to take Glory into the land of the fairies. What I do next depends on what I find when I get there.
I’m writing this letter, because I thought you would want to know what my plans are, since they might interfere with whatever you’re doing. I’m also willing to help you with your plans. Right now, I am leaving for Lord Brio’s apartment in Rousha where I will talk to Fairy. I’m honestly not sure how long I’ll be there. But you can also send letters through Sean and I will try to check in with him regularly.


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