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Quin to Jace- April 18, 2005

April 18, 2005
Master Jace Pren,

I would like to extend a formal invitation for you to join the quest to rescue Imato from the Grestians. I believe your skills as a swordsman and fighter will be invaluable in our success.
Jace, I know that this is a difficult decision and I will abide by your decision if you choose not to join. I have heard so much good of you from Arri and Gretel that I am sure you will make the right decision. I am not your captain, but if you choose to come, I will be your captain during the quest and consider it an honor. If you stay, I will look forward to meeting and getting to know you as my nephew. I have heard that you and Lakeisha are ingenious at helping even at a distance.

Quin Etautca, Captain of the Elcaran Army

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