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Keish- February 5, 2005

February 5, 2005
Dear Arri,
Caden had lunch with us yesterday.
“I still haven’t heard a satisfactory explanation for how you noticed what even she hadn’t,” I said pointedly when he said he’d sent Gretel a letter.
“Indeed,” Jace agreed, looking expectantly at him.
Caden squirmed.  “I’m just observant,” he muttered.
Jace gave him a look.  “While I have no doubt about your powers of observation there’s definitely more to it.”
Caden sighed.  “It was the day you arranged for dishes from all of the Market food stalls for dinner.  There were so many dishes I think we all nearly ate ourselves sick but Gretel specifically only ate the ginger dishes.  Annaleis was the same way.  The Duke finally complained about the expense in her fourth month and that’s when she told him.”
“Do you always refer to your brother-in-law as the Duke?” Jace asked in amusement.
“When I have to refer to him,” Caden grumbled.  “I sent Gretel several ounces of ground ginger as an apology.  Racquel says it doesn’t work for everyone but since it seemed to be working for Gretel…” he shrugged.
“Very reasonable,” Jace said.  “And I’m sure worry over Imato’s reaction to your observations had nothing to do with your prompt and very generous apology.”
“Wait a minute,” I said thoughtfully.  “Racquel?  As in Her Grace, the Duchess of Orullian?  Dare I ask why you would be discussing such things with Racquel?”
He reddened.  “She’s my cousin.”
“That I am aware of.”
Jace laughed.  “And I highly doubt you discuss women’s conditions with Euan though he’s also your cousin.”
Caden made a face at that.  He was quiet a moment.  “Racquel is nearly four years older than I.  When Cambria was ill Quel spent a lot of time with her, with both of us.  When Cambria died, Quel was the one who worried about me.  We became fairly close.  As I got older she became my confidante.  Our letters may even rival yours.  Until recently she was the only one who actually listened to me,” he said quietly.  “After spending nearly a year with Annaleis and the Duke I badly needed someone to actually listen to me.  I spent a couple of months with Quel and Ryne.  I asked her about the ginger then.”
“Well the next time they come to court they’ll have to have dinner with us,” I said briskly.
Caden smiled.  “I’ll tell her.”
Jace looked puzzled.  “Why did you stay with your sister and brother-in-law at all if it was so bad?”
Caden rolled his eyes.  “The Duke has a younger sister, a much younger sister, who wishes to be presented at court.  He thought it would be better, since she was still so young, to bring a bit of court life to her.  I spent eleven months dining and dancing and generally being attentive to a fifteen-year-old girl.  Mother was insistent that I stay, especially since Annaleis’ condition left Stacia to her own devices even more.  Only Stacia’s obsession with Baby James saved me from an even more prolonged stay.”  He grimaced.  “She’ll be presented at court on her 17th birthday-- just a few weeks away.  Regrettably she’s already saved me a dance.”
Jace was laughing.  “Keish will have to factor that into your schedule.”
Caden just scowled at him.

I finally seem to be fully recovered.  Jace is still hesitant about “letting” me do magic, but I’m fine.  Cass did an admirable job with my classes all week, but I’ll be glad to take them over on Monday.

Keaton’s hair has been restored to it’s natural shade-- just in time, too, since Master Zart and Tish had planned to take him to the museum today.

Jace received an extremely frustrated letter from Tulson this morning.  Apparently he doesn’t know any more than the rest of us.

Feb. 6th
The rumors here in Adya are still beyond belief.  The most amusing indicates that nothing actually happened at the Princes’ Joust and it’s all an elaborate scheme on my part to gain favor after the stories in the Gazette damaged my reputation.  Really you’d think pretty much anyone would realize how little I care about my reputation.
Other rumors are worse.  Caden doesn’t want to tell us all of them, but in the end he does.  Jace has assigned Kaplan, who didn’t go with Sir Aoweir because of a training accident, to keeping an eye on things.  And by “things”, of course, Jace means me.  I gather Kaplan is going to be my shadow when I return to classes tomorrow.
Euan has become Jace’s biggest detractor, though Jace just laughs and calls it sour grapes.  Luckily no one takes Euan seriously, especially since King Menion still has not named him Prince Regent.
All of this proves, though, that something is still going on.  All positive rumors about us or Rousha seem to be swallowed up in a tide of barely concealed malice.  Caden has redoubled his efforts to learn something.  He thinks he’s getting closer at any rate.

Feb. 7th
I was able to teach all of my classes and finish grading midterms, so I feel positively flushed with productivity today.
I also received a letter from Imato, who only grumbled a little about my waiting until he had left Rousha to learn something useful and do something about it.
Most of his letter is comprised of the technical details of every warding experiment he’s been trying in the camp sparring yard-- Skellig (blocks magic), Pirente (blocks fire) and Nunley (arrows) have all been attempted.  The Kesing-Oak ward, in particular, is giving him all sorts of trouble.  Apparently it will stop any blade, but unfortunately that includes your own.  And since your blade is technically within the ward and the ward only stops blades an opponent can grab your hands and turn your own blade against you.
Jace says I should just tell Imato to leave off perfecting that one until he returns to Rousha.  I think it worries Jace that Imato could be draining his powers too much on experiments to be able to use them effectively in a battle.
I’ll caution Imato to be careful, but likely he’ll just laugh at such an admonition coming from me of all people.

Feb. 9th
Heavens, what has been going on in Rousha?!  I’m inclined to write a letter of complaint.
King Menion summoned Jace and me today.  When we arrived in his small counsel room Papa and Caden were already there.
The king held out a sheaf of paper.  “Apparently a great deal more happened in Rousha on the day of the joust than originally thought.”
Jace and I scanned the papers quickly-- reports of two attempted thefts, an attempted kidnapping (I gasped when I read about Uncle Quin), the interrogations on Bradford…it was a lot to digest.
“And they kept all of this quiet for a week?” I asked indignantly.
I heard a quiet chuckle from Papa and Jace muttered, “Imato’s likely to pitch a fit.”
King Menion indicated the interrogation report.  “What do you think?” he asked me quietly.
I shook my head.  “There was no spell of compulsion on him so I have my doubts about his innocence.  And magical interrogations often result in some… memory lapses.”  I gave no further explanations but of course everyone was aware of my involvement with the questioning of various Narls.
The king nodded.  “I will certainly note that in my response.  If you think of or… learn… anything else, I’m sure you’ll keep me informed.”
“Of course, Your Majesty,” I said, matching his sincere and serious tone.
We were dismissed after only a little further discussion.  Neither Jace nor I know what to think and Papa hasn’t returned home yet.  Nor has Caden been by.
What’s going on, Arri?

Feb. 10th
I have your letter.
I am quickly losing all patience with Master Ujifil.  Has he considered that maybe his attitude towards apprentices is contributing to how few healers are left in Elcaro?  Honestly.
Yes, Imato’s letter to me included his feelings on the weather.  An included note to Jace described it all in even more colorful language.  I don’t understand fighting in such weather either, though I suppose if you’re used to living in it it doesn’t much matter.
I can’t imagine Imato knowing of Gretel’s condition and not saying anything.  I’m also glad I did not have to write the letter she had to.  But at least now she’s done it.  I look forward to hearing of his response.
As nearly the only person who witnessed all of Beagan’s confrontation with Bradford, please tell him I declared it to be extraordinary.  When you factor in Beagan’s limited training compared to Imato’s I’m not sure anyone could have done a better job.
I’m not sure I want to pass Mendel’s compliments on to Keaton.  It would likely only encourage him.  And since the blue face was certainly not intentional I’m sure he agrees with Mendel on that score at any rate.
I guess your interview with the captain was a lot like my audience with King Menion.  I’m sorry it was so uncomfortable for you, being in your father’s old office.
What could the thieves have been after?  Jace asks if your father had any important documents, but says everyone else has probably already thought of that too.  I agree that it’s not likely they were after the Chronicle.  It won’t work for anyone else.
With all of the warding Imato was doing, it seems strange that he didn’t ward the mental home, or at least your father’s room.  Are we sure he didn’t?  That could explain why the spell backfired and the abductors still haven’t been revived.

I’m sorry you didn’t make the honor roll but surviving is good too.  With everything going on that’s impressive.  Good luck preparing for finals… I have to devise mine still.  Hard to say which is worse.

Feb. 11th
Caden is glad Gretel was pleased with the ginger, but Jace says he’s still holding his breath, so to speak, to hear Imato’s reaction.  Caden is trying to ignore Jace when he makes these comments, which probably means they’re true.
I refuse to involve myself in the debate.

Feb. 12th
I received an absolutely furious letter from Brynn today.  Thankfully I am not the person with whom she is furious.
Apparently a packet of documents in a particularly difficult Grestean Sand dialect were intercepted on the 8th.  All anyone has been able to tell thus far is that they were for Bradford, from Greste, and they mention Queen Elspeth.  Linguists are attempting to translate them, but no one is familiar with this dialect.
So all of Bradford’s claims of innocence have been completely overthrown, but of course he’s not at all inclined to be helpful.
Brynn is insistent that rather than wasting time attempting a translation, King Trunsle should have sent the documents to me immediately for divination purposes.  Brynn was called in to make an attempt, but there were some protective spells over the documents and her magic was not enough to overcome them.
If it weren’t a matter of sending the originals King Trunsle probably wouldn’t balk at the idea, but he is understandably hesitant to send those anywhere.
Brynn is asking me to do the divination anyway, even though it’s far more complicated without something to focus it.
“She shouldn’t be asking that of you,” Jace said, irritated.  “Not when she knows full well what the last spell cost you.”  He was worried, knowing that I’d likely do what Brynn asked.
“I don’t think she feels like there’s another option,” I said quietly.
“And so you’re going to do it,” he said in resignation.  He sighed.  “I won’t ask you not to, you know that, but I’m concerned.  Without the documents to focus the spell…”
“I know.”
We lapsed into silence.  I’m grateful he won’t stop me, but I’ll admit I’m a little worried about it too.  I’m going to have to be careful.  Possibly more so than with any other spell I’ve ever tried.
Jace was somewhat relieved when I said I would have to wait until at least the 15th so that the moon was at least half full.  Waiting until the full moon would be better, but that’s not until the 23rd and I’m worried we can’t wait that long.  Brynn thinks that if whoever in Greste sent the documents doesn’t get a response in a timely manner it could cause some sort of retaliation.
And since retaliation could endanger Imato… Waiting too long makes me too nervous.
If I can’t wait until full moon, though, I am going to have to check the position of the stars.  I’m going to need all the help I can get.

After consulting with Papa, it looks like sunset on the 18th will be the ideal time.  I only hope it won’t be too late.

Caden is sending a ridiculously large order to Uncle W. for fireworks for his birthday ball.  He insists that it won’t be at all exceptional for him to do so, even with where things stand between us, because after New Year’s anyone who is anyone is going to have Uncle W’s fireworks.  Caden is determined to have the most spectacular array of them Adya sees all year.

Give my love to everyone.  We are looking forward to seeing Taty, Nysa and Liop in a few weeks also.  Keaton especially is thrilled.

Love Always,


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