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Lady Elizabeth Pren-- January 2004

January 2, 2004

Dear Lady Arri,

Tatyana and I hope you will spend the day after the ball with us. We intend to visit all the shops and the festival market. We are asking Lady Lakeisha and Lady Gretel to join us also. I understand that your father’s condition is serious, but I hope you will still be able to join us. We are praying for him and your entire family.

Lady Elizabeth Pren

January 2, 2004

Dear Lady Lakeisha,

Taty and I hope you will spend the day after the ball with us. We are planning to visit the large festival market and to visit the city shops, since they will have all of their best merchandise out for the festival. I am also sending letters of invitation to Lady Gretel and to Lady Arri. I hope you will persuade her to join us, if her father’s condition at all permits it. We look forward to seeing you.

Lady Elizabeth Pren

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