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Keish's Letters Home- December 2, 2003

December 2, 2003
Dearest Father,

I'm so sorry about all of this. Are you angry with me?

I know Brynn has told you everything that's been going on lately, so I won't take the time to repeat it here. I've enchanted this paper, so hopefully it's safe to write this.

We're going into a large village today, to get supplies and post these letters (one for you and one for Gretel and one for Arri). I also have to find something for Jace's birthday-- I completely missed it yesterday. Can you believe that? He's off gathering wood since even magical fires don't cook without it. He hasn't said anything and I don't know if he's realized it or not. I feel awful. It's the first time we've actually been together on his birthday and I forget all about it. It's inexcusable, but I guess most of my behavior lately has been.

I'm sorry I ran off without telling you-- and while you were sick. I'm sorry I didn't take care of you at all. I didn't think whoever's doing this would go after you. They killed Mother and now through my carelessness I almost lost you too. I don't know what I would do.

Things should be safer without me there, but please be careful. It's hard to know who can be trusted. We don't really know who the enemy is.

I miss you, but when all this is over I don't know that I can ever bring myself to live in the castle again. I've met people I want to help, and I can do more living among them than I can at the castle. I'm sure you'll want to discuss all this when I get back, but I'm serious.
I don't have any idea when this will all be over. I hope to be back for your birthday.

Please stay safe. I love you.
Love always,

December 2, 2003
Dear Gretel,

I'm so sorry about everything. I know I've been horrible to you lately. Thank you so much for caring for Father (and Liop). I'm so relieved he's doing better (Father, not Liop). I was so worried.
When I get back you'll have to let me know how I can make all this up to you. I've been such a wretched friend.

We've come to a large village and I decided I will risk posting a couple of letters. I wrote to Father also. He's probably very anxious.

I know Brynn has been telling you what I've told her, so that doesn't leave me with a lot to say. I thought I should write and apologize, though. Can you ever forgive me?

We're getting close to the cave. I can feel it. I have no idea what to do when we get there. I guess we'll just have to see what happens.

I'm sorry you aren't getting to spend more time with Imato. Hopefully things will settle down soon. Do you think you'll get to see him for his birthday? I don't remember what day it is, but I'm pretty sure it's soon.

I'm sure you'll be frustrated not to be able to respond to this. If you wanted to I guess you could send something to Arri and have her send it on to me. I won't expect a response, though.
I have to end now… We need to get supplies today and I need to … never mind, I'll tell you another time.

Love always,


Go to NEXT (Arri) Letter

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